
Which One Of The Following Food Contaminations Is Best Prevented By Cooking To Safe Temperatures

Which one of the following food contamination is best prevented by cooking to safe temperatures?

a. Raw meat

b. E-coli

Raw meat, fish and greens must be well cooked to prevent contamination. Biological contamination is common for these types of food since they contain toxic living organism that can cause diseases in the body of a human being once consumed. For meat and fish, the most favorable temperatures to kill the bacteria when cooking is 71 degrees Celsius.

E-coli is a very vicious bacteria that can be prevented by cooking food well at this temperature. The challenge is when preparing vegetables. It is almost impossible to figure out the temperature for cooking greens. E- coli has killed a lot of people in Canada and U.S. Reports by James Rogers, the director of Food Safety and Research shows that E- coli bacteria is found in raw food and only cleaning with water does not guarantee removal of the bacteria.

Which one of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe temperatures
Which one of the following food contamination is best prevented by cooking to safe temperatures

Ingestion of a small percentage of the bacteria can cause sickness. The bacteria can stick on the surface of the vegetable and has the ability to move to the internal parts of the leaf therefore hard to clean with only water. It is advisable for people to make their salad dishes from cooked greens. Storing meat between 8- 60 Degrees Celsius provides safe environment for survival of the E- coli bacteria. Before cooking place your meet below 8 Degrees Celsius.

Cross contamination is another challenge that most households don't pay attention to. Bacteria can be passed from raw food to ready to consume food when shopping bags, chopping boards of food containers are reused without thoroughly cleaning them. Under cooked food is another risk factors.

People are warned about what they consume especially in cafeterias and restaurants. Be very keen on what you choose to eat during eat outs and also observe high standards of hygiene to avoid food contamination.

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Which One Of The Following Food Contaminations Is Best Prevented By Cooking To Safe Temperatures


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